Our Process

To consolidate a group of partners and associates with a very high professional level, supported by an organization with proven, safe, and sustainable procedures, to interpret the needs of our clients and add value to their activities.

Tecniestrategia Brochure

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Informe anual
gestión BIC 2023

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Software Development Services Brochure


Water Utilization and Basic Sanitation

Projects for supply, hydroelectric uses, irrigation, purification, master plans for water supply and sewage systems, drainage, and water treatment.

Environmental Impact Studies and Environmental and Territorial Planning

Environmental impact studies and formulation of Watershed Management Plans, Water Resource Management Plans, and Territorial Zoning Plans.

Hydrodynamics and Sediments in Rivers and Channels

Studies of hydrological, hydraulic, and fluvial modeling, analysis of sediment production in basins, and scour studies.

Specialized Software Development

We offer advisory, consultancy, and implementation services in software development.


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